As part of the Google Professional UX Design Certificate, I designed a mobile app for a fictional private tennis club. Below is my design process.
Design Challenge. Design a mobile app that allows club members to book a tennis court without having to call the club directly and be able to find new players to play with.
Solution. The Drop Shot Tennis Club mobile application allows club members to create and manage bookings all on their phone. Additionally, members can create profiles that allow them to interact and find new players of similar ability to play with.

Empathize, Define & Ideate.
During this stage, I dug into the design problem, defined the user, investigated the competitive landscape and built a hypothesis. Below is a sample of some of the work that was conducted and developed during this phase:

Build Wireframes.
During this stage, I explored the user journey, information architecture and overall user flow to meet the goal statement. I also started sketching wireframes and transferring those sketches into Figma. Below is a sample of some of the work that was conducted and developed during this phase:

Build a Low Fidelity Prototype.
During this stage, I turned wireframes into low-fidelity prototypes by using interactions in Figma. Below is a sample of some of the work that was conducted and developed during this phase:

Research & Testing Early Concepts.
During this stage, I conducted user testing on the low fidelity prototype to develop research insights to guide design iterations and decisions. Below is a sample of some of the work that was conducted and developed during this phase:
Research Questions
How long does it take a user to book a court in the app?
How far in advance does a user want to book a court in the app?
Are there any parts where the users are getting stuck in the app flow?
How many bookings does a user generally book at one time?
What can we learn from the steps that users take to book a court?
5 participants
3 suburban casual tennis players, 1 urban regular tennis player, 1 suburban regular tennis player. All participants reside in the United States.
Participants are between the ages of 25 and 70
It took users an average of 15 minutes to complete the study.
The study was conducted remotely via video conferencing.
Moderated Usability study
Users were asked to make a court booking and add additional players to that booking using a low fidelity prototype.

Build a High Fidelity Prototype.
During this stage, I put it all together to create a high fidelity prototype that includes high contrast, color, icons, and reflects the entire user experience of the app. Below is a sample of some of the work that was conducted and developed during this phase:
Accessibility Highlights:
High Contrast
Universal Icons with text for screen reader compatibility
Large Text